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So I am in the last week of my residency here in Eastport. it has been an amazing experience during which I have met great people, heard great stories and have had the most interesting conversations.

What Kristin and Hugh have created here is quite extraordinary and something I feel very privileged to have taken part in. The project has reached an interim solution wherein upwards of 80 portraits have been transferred onto ceramic discs which will remain with the Tides Institute & Museum of Art. The ultimate goal is to reproduce and develop each into a brooch referencing the cameo and other devotional jewellery types associated with memento mori.

This project was developed with the Eastport community in mind and therefore relies on it's involvement. That cooperation is important if not essential to it's success.

These brooches will be returned to the individual at a point in the future closing the circle of this project and fulfilling it's obligation to this wonderful community.

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