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SELFmade | MADEhere Sandnes,Norway

So I have arrived in Sandnes, Norway for my third artist residency. I have never travelled to Scandinavia before and so am really excited to be here and to undertake the SELFmade|MADEhere project.

I have set up the studio space as a makeshift darkroom having previously done this at the Vermont Studio Center and in Eastport as it allows me to easily move between inside and outside spaces to take and develop pinhole images. The weather is a little unpredictable, not unlike at home in Ireland and this does present some potential 'trouble' when dealing with pinhole cameras as the process is very much light-dependant! So the coming week will enable me to experiment with timings and experimenting with additional artificial lighting kindly supplied by the AiR coordinator here, Nils-Thomas.

I am looking forward to working with various groups willing to participate in the project!

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